Sunday, May 17, 2009

Homeward Bound

Wow... the week has actually drawn to a close. Though everyone is in need of some extra sleep, a sentiment heard over and over again was "I can't believe the week went so fast" and "why does it have to end".

What were the highlights of the week? There were many answers:

"Meeting new people!"
"The tours!"
"Trading pins with other finalists!"
"The Dance was amazing!"
"The food!"
"Feeding apples to Prairie Dogs!"
"The Free Night and Shopping!"
"Star Trek was Amazing!"

Everyone had a good time, and a lot of new friendships were made.

Sunday morning was our latest wake-up time so far - an 8:00am meeting in the hallway, and a leisurely breakfast (having done most packing the night before). At 9:00am we gathered to clear out our rooms, and made way with our project bags and luggage through various twists, turns, elevators and stairways, until we got to some picnic tables near where the buses would be loading. Another fine, sunny Manitoba morning greeted us, so the wait outside was no problem. By 11:30 we were on the bus and headed to the airport.

On the Bus

At the Winnipeg Airport

After grabbing a quick Tim Horton's lunch, we made our way through security and on to the plane for the quick (2 hour) flight home. A smooth landing in a sunny Hamilton, grabbing our bags, and then it was hugs all around as new friends said goodbye. Then it was over - the arrivals lounge was quiet, there were no more roll-calls or headcounts, and Canada-Wide Science Fair was really finished for another year.

Editor's Note from George: Speaking personally, I have to say that I immensely enjoyed this trip and the company of these great kids. This was a terrific bunch of young women and men, and I look forward to what we'll see from everyone in the future. These are kids that can succeed at whatever they set their minds to, and I thank them all for allowing me to share in their experience at the Canada-Wide Science Fair. I hope you all had even just half as much fun as I did.

As always, check out the many photos of our projects and events at our BASEF flickr site !

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